
jueves, 26 de enero de 2017


The Late Roman coastal surveillance fort of Can Blai (Formentera, Baleares). Imperial defence at the beginning of the 4th century AD

Hercules and the Ceryneian hind, 4th-century
gold-glass from Rome.(Ashmolean Museum)

Listed here are forthcoming academic events within the field of Late Antiquity (individual lectures, seminars, conferences, etc.) being held in Oxford, or being organised outside Oxford by OCLA Researchers. If you are looking for events in a specific area of Late Antiquity (e.g. within ‘Islam and the Islamic World’, or ‘The Post-Roman West’), visit that section of our site, where you will find only the relevant events listed

Putting domestic ritual in its place. ‘Placed’ deposits and religion between the 4th and the 10th centuries AD
Friday 17–Saturday 18 March 2017

Late antique and medieval archaeologists in northwest Europe and Scandinavia have seen a surge in studies on everyday ritual practices, among them deposits intentionally placed underneath door openings, walls and floors of residential or communal structures. By contrast, research of similar deposits in Roman, late antique and medieval/ Byzantine archaeology elsewhere is much rarer, though not entirely unknown. Although this difference in frequency may be the result of a real difference in practices, more likely it is due to different research traditions.

The post-Roman West and the Byzantine East are usually considered as two separate fields of scholarship, but much of the archaeological material, especially that pertaining to daily life and found in domestic contexts, in fact is very similar at least in appearance. This conference intends to overcome existing boundaries by investigating the occurrence of placed deposits, their meaning and relation with contemporaneous worldviews, popular beliefs, and orthodox religion from the fourth to tenth century AD. By inviting scholars from different backgrounds and working on diverse geographical regions and periods in time, we seek to stimulate discussion on the possible different meanings or purposes of placed deposits in order to arrive at a more accurate understanding of the mindset of people in the past.

Speakers to the conference include:
Ines Beilke-Voigt, Richard Bradley, Roberta Gilchrist, Sonja Hukantaival, Ine Jacobs, John Ljungkvist, John Mitchell, James Morris, Julia Smith, Clifford Sofield, Natalia Teteriatnikov and Robert Wisniewski.

Organisers: Ine Jacobs and Clifford Sofield

For registration and further information,
please contact Ine Jacobs

Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar

Wednesdays at 5pm in Hilary Term 2017
in the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St Giles’

25 January (Week 2)
Phil Booth (Oxford):
Egypt in the Sasanian Empire (619–629): Stability, Continuity, and Tolerance?

1 February (Week 3)
Daniel Ziemann (Budapest):
Invaders and Neighbours. The Beginnings of the First Bulgarian Empire

8 February (Week 4)
Michel Kaplan (Paris):
The organization of sacred space in a Constantinopolitan church: the case of Saint John the Baptist of Oxeia

15 February (Week 5)
Paul Arthur (Lecce):
Byzantium in the West: roundabout Apulia

22 February (Week 6)
Theofili Kampianaki (Oxford):
The twelfth-century chronicle of John Zonaras and its audience

1 March (Week 7)
Gilles Dorival (Aix-Marseille):
The Septuagint in the Biblical Catenae

8 March (Week 8)
Julian Baker (Oxford):
Constantinople between the Ottomans, the Bulgarians, and the West: the creation of the last Byzantine monetary system in 1372

Conveners: Marek Jankowiak and Marc Lauxtermann

Late Antique and Byzantine Archaeology and Art Seminar

Thursdays, Weeks 1–7 in Hilary Term 2017, 11am–12:30pm
The Ioannou Centre, First-Floor Seminar Room

Please note that the seminar has moved back to its regular time slot, on Thursday

26 January (Week 2)
Pawel Nowakowski (Oxford):
Reliquaries of Sugane in the Limestone Massif. New evidence from the Tchalenko Archive

2 February (Week 3)
Irma Karaulashvili (Ilia State University):
Edessan image in Georgian pictorial and narrative sources

9 February (Week 4)
Agnieszka Lic (Oxford):
Christian Stucco Decorations in Southern Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf Region, 6th–9th centuries

16 February (Week 5)
Maria Lidova (Oxford):
Under the Protection of the Mother of God: The Oratory of John VII (705–707) in the Old St Peter’s in Rome

23 February (Week 6)
Ricardo Gonzalez Villaescusa (Nice, CNRS):
The Late Roman coastal surveillance fort of can Blai (Formentera, Baleares). Imperial defence at the beginning of the 4th century AD

2 March (Week 7)
Cristina Murer (Berlin):
Grave Robbing and the Reuse of Funerary Material in Late Antiquity

9 March (Week 8): No seminar

Conveners: Ine Jacobs and Marek Jankowiak

Late Roman Seminar

Thursdays at 2pm in Hilary Term 2017
Seminar Room, Corpus Christi College

*NB 2.00 START*

26 January (Week 2): No Seminar

2 February (Week 3)
Renan Baker (Cambridge):
Through the Eye of the Scribe: Interpolations, Extensions, and Omissions in Late Antique and Medieval Miscellanies

9 February (Week 4)
Nadine Viermann (Konstanz):
Blood, Sweat and Tears: the Transformation of the Roman Emperor's Image in the Early Seventh Century

16 February (Week 5)
Mark Humphries (Swansea):
Partes Imperii: East and West in the Fall of the Roman Empire

23 February (Week 6)
Claudia Rapp (Vienna):
Monasticism and Multilingualism

2 March (Week 7)
John Curran (Belfast):
Transforming the Transformation of the Transformation of the City of Rome in the Fourth Century

9 March (Week 8)
Jessica van-’t-Westeinde (Tübingen):
Individual Religious Agency: Jerome and his Jewish ‘Network’

Conveners: Neil McLynn and Conrad Leyser

Patristic and Late Antique Seminar: Patristic Exegesis of Prophecy and Prophetic Literature

Tuesdays, 4.00–5.30pm in Hilary Term 2017
Christ Church, Room 2

24 January (Week 2)
Claire Hall (Oxford):
Origen’s Commentary on John

31 January (Week 3)
Kirsten MacKerras (Oxford):
Lactantius’ Divine Institutes

7 February (Week 4)
Dr Julia Konstantinovsky (Oxford):
Gregory of Nyssa on Eschatology

14 February (Week 5)
Jenny Rallens (Oxford):
Prophetic Language in Augustine’s works

21 February (Week 6)
Eric Hoff (Oxford):
Augustine, Sermo 347 on Is. 11:2–3, the Ascent to Wisdom

28 February (Week 7)
Nathan Betz (Oxford):
Oecumenius on the New Jerusalem in Revelation chs. 21-22

7 March (Week 8)
Professor Mark Edwards (Oxford):
The Book of Revelation in the Early Church

Conveners: Professor Mark Edwards and Dr Stan Rosenberg
The Cult of Saints in the First Millennium

Fridays, 5.00–7.00 pm in Weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7 of Hilary Term 2017
Trinity College (Sutro Room)

Week 3 (3 February)
John Mitchell (East Anglia):
The Cult of Saints and the Origins of the Constantinian Basilica

Week 5 (17 February)
Kate Cooper (Manchester):
‘His Master’s Voice’: Martyrs as teachers and preachers in the Roman gesta martyrum

Week 7 (3 March)
Benjamin Fourlas (Mainz):
Offered to Saint Constantine: Thoughts on the Historical Significance of the Early Byzantine Silver Hoard at Karlsruhe

Convener: Efthymios Rizos

Medieval Archaeology Seminar

Mondays at 3pm in Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8 in Hilary Term 2017

Institute of Archaeology Lecture Room

The following two seminars are relevant to Late Antiquity:

Week 4 (6 February)
Dries Tys:
The archaeological complexity of the origins of trade and (pre-)urban sites in the southern Low Countries

Week 8 (6 March)
Irene Bavuso:
Gift and trade: the evidence from the Channel, c.5th–7th centuries

Conveners: Helena Hamerow and Letty ten Harkel

Seminar on Jewish History and Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period

Tuesdays, 2.30–4 pm in Hilary Term 2017
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies,
Clarendon Institute, Walton Street

The following seminars in this series are relevant to Late Antiquity:

31 January (Week 3)
Professor Mark Geller (UCL and Freie Universität Berlin):
Commentary and hermeneutics from Assur to Pumbeditha
[joint session with ‘Topics in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology’ seminar]

21 February (Week 6)
Professor Tal Ilan (Freie Universität Berlin):
A feminist commentary on Tractate Hullin in the Babylonian Talmud

February 28 (Week 7)
Professor Gilles Dorival (Aix-Marseille):
Was there a Christianisation of the text of the Septuagint?
[Grinfield Lecture on the Septuagint]

Convener: Professor Martin Goodman

The Roman Discussion Forum

Wednesdays at 1pm in Hilary Term 2017
Institute of Archaeology Lecture Room

The following seminar in this series is relevant to Late Antiquity:

22 February 2017 (Week 6)
Professor Kutalmis Gorkay (Ankara University):
Mosaic programmes in domestic contexts at Zeugma

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